Category «English Comp»

Learning outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes  • Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision). • Be able to integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant …

Self reflection essay #2

Describe your essay’s most notable strength, using at least one direct quote from your work to support your choice.  I think that my most notable strengths in this essay were my use of personal voice and my naysayer paragraph.  “I understand how it doesn’t really seem like the two go hand in hand, but if …

Cadogan reading questions 11/4/2021

What are the unique challenges Cadogan faces as he walks each city (Kingston, New Orleans, and New York City)? What do we learn, indirectly, about each city from Cadogan’s personal experiences? One thing we learn indirectly through Cadogans experience is that every city has its rules and that for him  “it was the arbitrariness of …

Peer edit revisited 10/27/2021

 I think that with the second round of peer I knew more what to focus on when editing. I tried to make comments that would actually help and using the peer review guidelines paper helped a lot. I also paid attention to some of the things that I knew I could work on, like quote …

Barclay paragraph 10/19/2021

(C) What’s rectangular, small and with you more often than you realize? Nope it’s not a phone, it’s your calculator. These calculators tucked away in our bags are actually spying devices for the government. (I) Most of us relate to the feeling of thinking or saying something aloud to later see it all over our …

Lamott response

According to what author Anne Lamott has to say, I would think that writing a first draft is more about the process. She talks about letting the first draft be the place “where you let it all pour out and then let it romp all over the place” (Lamott 4). In this quote “it” is …

Water response questions

In 300 words or less, summarize the speech and show (with framed quotes and paraphrases from the text) what you believe to be the author’s three main points/arguments. Support with textual evidence and include your own initial response to the material. In the speech “This is Water ” American author David Foster Wallace argues three …

Bloom questions

In 400 words or less, summarize the piece AND show (with framed quotes and paraphrase from the text) what you believe to be the author’s three main points/arguments. Support with textual evidence and include your own initial response to the material. In his article “Is empathy overrated?” Professor Paul Bloom argues that empathy has more …

Essay #1 reflection

What was your final thesis statement? Paste, then analyze its strengths & weaknesses The use of social media creates a warped sense of how communication works by encouraging our ability to send a snapchat but decreasing our ability to hold a conversation.   I think that my thesis statement was pretty decent, it was specific but …
