One of the first questions I would ask is what are you looking for with this job? This gives the person being interviewed the opportunity to tell an employer a solid reason, such as to gather experience for the future. Another question or conversation I would engage in is talking about hypothetical situations that could happen in the job. This could tell an employer how this employee is going to act in real time. Lastly I would ask what are their strengths and weaknesses because even though no one really likes that question, it is interesting to hear. An anecdote I have when applying to be a writing tutor, I mentioned how bad I am at stats. I connected this by saying I want to be the type of writing tutor for people that I would want for stats. Another one I have is being one of the youngest employees at my old job at Whole Foods and the various things I had to deal with. Such as working through snowstorms, being offered edibles and doing parts of the job that wasn’t really meant for a 16 year old. The last anecdote I could say is working at an ice cream shop with no manager on duty like ever. They had cameras but essentially the shop was run by the staff, which was 15-18 year old girls. Three questions an interview committee could ask are: How do you work in a group setting? How do you deal with negative reactions from customers and what prior job experience do you have?