So this time feedback had a little bit more going on than the first round. For me personally, videoing my speech didn’t go the greatest because I wasn’t really prepared and had to read it off the screen. I know that giving a speech is not reading off a screen so obviously that is something I will need to work on. Watching my recording back I can also see myself fidget around and fumble on words. This shows me that I need to practice more so that I can be more confident in what I am saying. One thing that I am happy about is that my speech seems like it will be within the time limit, which is a big concern I had. Going into it I wasn’t sure it would reach the limit and I was pleasantly surprised. Another thing I also like about feedback groups is that we get to hear a few rough drafts of people’s speeches and see the different approaches people are taking. Listening to other people is beneficial because we can hear how other people are doing it and use aspects of that to edit ours. It’s also nice to have active listeners and people wanting to give feedback. Overall I would say feedback has been going good.