For this week I once again chose two pictures that I found to be more on the amusing side. Dunkin was pretty active on social media this week, pumping out that content. The first picture I chose was their most recent post and it was a girl morphing into a coffee with the caption “me the second national coffee day begins.” I thought it was a little funny and it already has 581 comments and it was only posted 9 hours ago. I can just picture whoever runs this account laughing at these posts behind the screen as they make them. The next picture was a screenshot of the temperate next to a coffee cup with the writing saying “An iced coffee is making it feel cooler.” The humor behind this post was that there are still a significant amount of people who drink iced coffee in the winter (me included sometimes) even though that doesn’t always make the most sense when it’s -15 degrees. I would think this kind of post would have been popular but it only has 31 comments… maybe people didn’t like being called out on their iced coffee drinking habits. Overall I think this week shows kind of a good balance, one of a funny picture that was received well and one of a funny picture that wasnt recieved as well.