This first article is about a student who was egged on campus during a tour. It was written by Lauren Ashe and Kayla Hardenson on March 29th 2022. It was just a regular afternoon in March and admissions ambassador Maximus Medary was getting rid to give a tour. As he was leading the group he noticed an object come towards him. The egg actually ended up hitting one of the students that was on the door, which can make NYU look really bad. Ambassador Medary contacted NYU safety and alerted them of what happened. After this happened he was interviewed and he admitted that the safety department did what they could but he still thinks that ambassadors and tours should be protected. I think that this kind of incident has happened before a few times or at least that tour ambassadors have been harassed before. With this kind of history I do agree that tour guides should be better protected.
This article is about students who are worried about the NYU mask mandate, it was written by Gabriel Hawthorne and Carmo Moniz on March 31st 2022. The mandate for them was dropped on March 30th and it has left some students feeling questionable. It is still required in some places such as classrooms, library settings, workplaces and transportation. One of the students interviewed, Cosette Terriquez, said that covid 19 is very unpredictable and that they should be continuing to be wearing masks until the end of spring. With the BA.2 variant causing a slight increase in cases, it’s reported that a lot of students will still be wearing masks all around campus. On the other hand, another student named Josh Jenson, claims that the risk of students becoming very ill on campus is low enough that going maskless should be ok. He also thinks they should be lifting the mandate in other locations around campus too. As time goes on the university will continue to monitor covid cases and adjust the mandate accordingly.