Monthly archives: November, 2021

Serhan and McLaughlin

What is xenophobia? How does the term relate to the Covid-19 pandemic and the various decisions countries have made in dealing with the virus’s spread? Xenophobia is the dislike/prejudice against people from other countries. This term relates to the Covid-19 pandemic because there has been a lot of dicrimination against people of the Eastern Asain …

Learning outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes  • Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision). • Be able to integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant …

Self reflection essay #2

Describe your essay’s most notable strength, using at least one direct quote from your work to support your choice.  I think that my most notable strengths in this essay were my use of personal voice and my naysayer paragraph.  “I understand how it doesn’t really seem like the two go hand in hand, but if …

Coates 74-108

After moving with his family to New York, Coates observes a difference between the way white parents treat their children and the way he finds himself treating his son. Find a passage in the text that best represents this difference (text-to-text), quote it, and comment on or raise a question about it. Starting with this …

Coates 39-71

Coates writes of his “working theory” (46) and “imagining history to be a unified narrative” (47). Why might this have been important for Coates? What did he find or realize in his investigation? In your response, be sure to provide textual evidence from Coates.  In this investigation, Coates realized that this research was not as …

Cadogan reading questions 11/4/2021

What are the unique challenges Cadogan faces as he walks each city (Kingston, New Orleans, and New York City)? What do we learn, indirectly, about each city from Cadogan’s personal experiences? One thing we learn indirectly through Cadogans experience is that every city has its rules and that for him  “it was the arbitrariness of …

Coates 1-39 11/1/2021

Coates first talks about the “Dream” in the context of an interview he gave and argues that it “persists by warring with the known world” (11). Find another passage in this section that also refers to the dream. Draw a text-to-text connection that helps you explain the concept or helps you raise a question about …
