Barclay paragraph 10/19/2021

(C) What’s rectangular, small and with you more often than you realize? Nope it’s not a phone, it’s your calculator. These calculators tucked away in our bags are actually spying devices for the government. (I) Most of us relate to the feeling of thinking or saying something aloud to later see it all over our phone, wondering how it knew. Now some people may argue that our devices knowing everything is just how technology works and its just phones doing what phones do (which honestly shouldn’t be so normalized), but (Q1) Rebecca Horger, a freshman at Skidmore College claims that, “many students take calculators home and to class so it’s a perfect way to monitor people without being suspicious.” (E) The government recording us through our phones would be too obvious but one thing that slips by unfocused on is the calculator that is sitting in everyone’s bag. If you’re carrying a calculator, you probably have a reason to be and the government wants to know that reason… and everything else about your life too. (T) This isn’t just about seeing the stuff we think about on our phones, government officials using calculators as spying devices dates all the way back to the 1900’s. (Q2) In one of his lesser known interviews, scientist Albert Einstein stated that “he would never dare to use calculators, and if he had he may never have come up with E=MC^2 because the government would have gotten to it first.” (EoC). Trusted as a top of the line BIO major, Horgers point correlates with Einstein’s to warn people like you and me about what the real intention of a calculator is.

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